Άποψη του χωριού Montaillou, λίγα μόλις χιλιόμετρα από τα ισπανικά σύνορα
Το παρακάτω απόσπασμα αναφέρεται στα σεξουαλικά ήθη των κατοίκων του χωριού, δίνοντας έμφαση στις κατακτήσεις του αιρετικού παπά (!) του χωριού:
But as a seducer Bernard Clergue is a pallid figure compared with his brother Pierre. The priest of Montaillou was the womanizer par excellence of the Clergue family. Bernard was a romantic. Pierre was a swashbuckler (= εκείνος που φέρεται ηρωικά, ολίγον αλαζονικά και σώζει δεσποινίδες, βλέπε Ζορό). Cathar, spy and and rake - he was everywhere [...]. He scattered his desires among his flock as impartially as he gave his benediction, and in return won the favours of many of his female parishioners. He was helped by the general tolerance with which concubinage among ecclesiastics was regarded in the Pyrenees. At an altitude of 1,300 metres the rules of priestly celibacy ceased to apply. An energetic lover and incorrigible Don Juan, he presents the spectacle, rare in records of rural history, of the typical village seducer of ancient times. No question of this great carnivore restricting himself to one woman [...]. He took the opportunity of ogling (= κοιτάω σαν ξελιγωμένος, χαλβαδιάζω) the girls as they went along the village street. Hunting was his vocation. He adored his mother and burned his incestuous passions, sometimes carried into practice, for his sisters and sisters-in-law [...]. The Fournier Register tells us of some dozen authenticated mistresses of Pierre Clergue; but the list is certaily incomplete...
Βοήθειά μας, καλό σ/κ και καλά διαβάσματα!
2 σχόλια:
Καλά εδώ την Πέμπτη 7/3, η Τσικνοπέμτη με τα γνωστά παρελκόμενα επισκίασε όλες τις άλλες γιορτές! :)
Αγαπάμε το βιβλίο όλες τις μέρες φυσικά και βλέπω έκανες τη σωστή αναγνωστική επιλογή Δόκιμε!
Βρε τον Πιερ... τέτοια μαθαίνετε στη Μονή? :pp
Esy eidika xerw oti agapas to biblio, den eixa amfibolia!
O Pierre htan megalh lera, pou na diabaseis kai ta ypoloipa... :)
Δημοσίευση σχολίου